In San Antonio, TX, there are various building codes that require operators to install fire safety measures. As your local firestopping expert, Alamo Waterproofing Services trains all of our employees to meet these special needs. Spray fireproofing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to remain up-to-code and keep your employees and equipment safe. Our systems provide passive support for constant, 24-hour protection alongside active systems that must start up before they are effective. Sprays are one of the most common ways to protect the home or business from the threat of fires and can be wet or dry in composition, depending on the needs of the client and what will work best for the building.

When you partner with Alamo Waterproofing Services, we will use several criteria to provide a professional assessment of your building and develop a plan for how to best install spray fireproofing measures. Depending on what we find, we’ll recommend a concealed approach using average density materials or one utilizing a higher density. We use the latter when the surfaces in question are constantly exposed to moisture or fire hazards, as it allows for an increased window of protection time.

For example, we may choose popular intumescent coatings, which are a great way to coat exposed steelworks but don’t sacrifice the aesthetics of the structure. Because these coatings are so effective and reliable, we use them in both interior and exterior applications. As an added bonus, the coatings can even be matched to specific colors to fit your property’s vision.

Give Us a Call

If you have any questions regarding our firestopping services or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us at 210-648-2100 today.